Most Efficient Squirrel Snare: An Easy Guide to Making a Snare Trap.


What You’ll Need On How to Make a Snare Trap Step By Step:

24-gauge floral wire
A stick or pencil
Bait (optional)
Step 1: Prepare the Snare
A DIY squirrel snare is super simple and straightforward. With the utility knife and the 24-gauge wire in the Altoid can kit, you can make as many as your materials will allow.


Step 1: Get Ready for That Squirrel Making your own squirrel snare is a breeze! With just a utility knife and some 24-gauge wire from your Altoid can kit, you can create as many snares as your heart desires. To start, slice your wire into a 15-20 inch length using your trusty knife. Then, grab a pencil or small stick and wrap the wire around it twice. Give the loop a good twist and tie it off using the pencil to help you. Once secure, slide the other end of the wire through the loop. Make sure the loop is big enough for your fist - about 2 ½ inches in diameter should do the trick. Lastly, grab some sticks and tie your snare to them. Voila! You're ready to catch some squirrels (safely, of course).


Alrighty then, let's move on to Step 2! It's time to set and test those snares. To increase your chances of success, why not tie a bunch of them onto a sturdy stick or log? But before you get too carried away, it's always a good idea to test one out first. Simply slide your hand into the squirrel trap and give it a gentle tug. If it tightens around your hand, then you're ready to rock 'n' roll!



Alrighty, it's time to talk about Step 3: Luring in those squirrels! Now, if you want to have any hope of catching these little critters, you'll definitely need some bait. But here's the thing - it's not just about tossing some food out there and hoping for the best. You need to strategically place your snare in an area where squirrels are known to frequent. As for what to use as bait, squirrels are big fans of corn, nuts, and seeds. So it wouldn't hurt to keep some of these yummy treats on hand in the form of candy bars or snacks. And one pro tip - make sure you place the bait behind the trap to really entice those sneaky squirrels!



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